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“It helps with our writing. It gives us inspiration and we can steal, rob and magpie ideas
to use in our own stories.”
The re-location and re-organisation of the library was a key factor in raising the profile of
reading across the school. All of the pupils interviewed felt that the library was easier to
navigate, held a wide selection of reading material and reflected their interests. They
were all familiar with the book
banding system and felt that they
were able to select books that
matched their reading abilities. They
liked the fact that the library was
well looked after and understood
the benefits of a loan system. They
stated that the sofas and bean bags
in the library enhanced the reading
area and believed that the
computers offered the opportunities
to research particular authors and books. In addition, parents commented that the
library had contributed to the reading culture within the school and that their children
had increased opportunities to visit the library and borrow books that were relevant to
their particular tastes. Both parents and pupils applauded the fact that they were able
to choose their own books rather than read the book given to them by teachers.
Pupils’ involvement in choosing the reading material to be housed in the school library
was another important factor in the success of the programme. They were actively
involved and engaged in all aspects of the programme. Pupils felt valued as readers and
had opportunities to discuss their favourite authors with teachers and parents. Enid
Blyton, Dick King Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Jacqueline Wilson, Adam Blade, Andy
Stanton were all cited as favourite authors. The availability and increased numbers of
these reading books in the library has contributed to pupils’ willingness to read for
Engagement of all staff in the project served to promote reading across the school, as
did involvement of parents through workshops tailored to their particular year group.
Making reading for pleasure visible was particularly effective in raising the profile of
reading and in encouraging pupils to read for pleasure. All members of staff contribute
on a regular basis to the staff reading board which is displayed centrally in order that
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