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To explore the characteristics of books with all their senses.
To discover the variety of books available to them
Children to come in touch with a big volume of texts.
To experience the need to read specific books they have encountered during
LiRe activities.
Setting, materials, and preparation
Place: Library, classroom
Step -by-step description
The activity can take place with individual students or in groups. The idea is for children
to play as “Book Detectives”
Children work in pairs and read a book to themselves.
They then have to write a set of questions based on the book that they have
Give the questions to their partner.
Partners have to answer the questions in their detective note books
Swap back and compare answers with their partner.
Who managed to find all the answers?
Brasseur, P. (2005).
1001 activités autour du livre: raconter, explorer, jouer, créer
. Paris:
1...,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,...58
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