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Improved Reading Habits & Attitudes
“When we had them read
10-15 minutes every
morning, they liked it so much that they would take out
their books and read even during recess time; it was as if
they were addicted to it”
“They would bring 3-4 books from home and share and
read with their friends during recess;
was quite nice
to watch and it showed that kids liked it”
(Two teachers from Cyprus)
To increase reading motivation
To promote and encourage reading across the school
To encourage dialogue and discussion around texts
Setting, materials and preparation
Letter to parents explaining the principles of the book swap. Setting up of
central area.
Step-by-Step Description
Children to bring in a book that they no longer read at home.
Talk about the book and why they enjoyed it. Outline the plot.
Display the books in a central area.
Invite children to choose a book to take away.
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