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To increase reading motivation
To develop personal preference
To promote a love of reading
To raise the profile of reading within the community
Setting, materials and preparation
Multiple copies of a selection of age appropriate books. Purchase trophies to
award during the ceremony. Letter of explanation to parents.
Step-by-Step Description
Explain to the children that they will be voting for their favourite book and
that school will be holding a book
award ceremony for parents and
Decide on a number of books for
each class and make them
available to the children to
borrow and take home to share
with parents.
At the end of the term, the
children can vote for their
favourite book in each category
e.g. most humorous, most
exciting, best non-fiction etc.
Hold an awards ceremony at
school and invite parents to
attend (invites designed and
made by the children).
Children to speak about their
favourite books in front of the
Have a trophy and display with
the multiple copies of the overall winning book in the library for children to
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