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Summer Reading Programme.
Junior Certificate School
Time & Place:
Summer Holidays, 30 School Libraries.
Target Group(s):
800 post primary school students.
The Summer Reading Programme was
introduced to 30 Irish post-primary schools in
2011. Its general aim was to support student
reading during the summer holidays and to
combat the “Summer Slide” effect that has
been evident in students learning. JCSP
students across all Project School Libraries
were encouraged and facilitated to borrow
books from their school library over the
summer months. A number of Project
libraries ran additional specialized summer
activity programmes, often in conjunction
with other agencies and support groups e.g.
local public libraries, local youth organisations, feeder Primary schools. 800 students
took part in the programme, borrowing 3500 books. School Librarians ensured that the
books selected by the students were appropriate to the reading age, according to their
General Reading Test results. Students were encouraged to discuss, write about and
report on the books they read - with their family, their friends and in library class on
their return to school. Summer Book Reviews were gathered for display on school library
notice boards, for inclusion in school/library newsletters, etc.In many schools the
parents of students participating in the Summer Reading Programme were informed in
advance about the Programme and encouraged to support their sons/daughters in their
summer reading activities. Parents were made aware of when the school library would
be open over the summer months and were also asked to encourage their child to join
or use their local public library over the summer.
To support students’ reading during the summer months.
To encourage parental involvement in students reading.
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