Reading Promotion

Suggested Reading Promotion Activities/Actions
More than 100 descriptions of successful reading promotion actions and activities you could also try out at your school!...

Guidelines for Reading Promotion Programmes
Under this heading, you can find principles, strategies and approaches for promoting the joy of reading, building reading communities, and sustaining reading cultures...

Successful Reading Promotion Programmes
Here, you can find summary descriptions of successful reading promotion programs, which could inspire you to design your own program...

Reading Promotion Evaluation Tool
Reading promotion evaluation tools will be designed and used to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented programmes...

School Staff Training Modules
These are intended for training teachers, school librarians and administrators in reading promotion. They will be particularly useful to persons and institutions that aspire to train teachers, librarians, and school leaders in reading promotion...

Reading Habits and Attributes Evaluation Tool
This will provide information to school staff about their students reading habits and attributes. The tool will be used both by participating schools before and after implementation...