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Gathering Data:
The lifelong readers pupil reading habit evaluation is quite lengthy and time
consuming to administer. Adapting and shortening the questionnaire is a
sensible option.
Involve all school staff in the initial evaluations and identification of needs and
objectives, as this will mobilize them and stimulate their interest in and
thinking about reading promotion.
It is also recommended that a fair sample of pupil be taken. There is no need
to survey all pupils, a fair selection is adequate to get an overall picture of the
pupils needs.
Have all teachers participate actively in the formation of the actual plan, as
this will enhance staff’s feeling of empowerment, agency, ownership of the
reading promotion process and engagement in implementing the plan.
Make sure that all stakeholders are convinced that reading promotion is
important and worthwhile, and it should thus be part of the school’s efforts
year after year after year. Creating and sustaining a reading culture cannot be
achieved in a one-off approach, but needs to be continually explored and
It is important to assess the reading habits of the pupils at the beginning and
end of the implementation process in order to obtain data reflective of the
effectiveness of the programme.
Set realistic objectives and agree on a reading promotion plan that takes into
account the availability of resources (staff, time, materials). The plan should
feature a limited number of targeted areas and include organized and
systematic activities (that take place regularly) as well as one-off events. The
plan should be detailed, listing meticulous information about what exactly will
take place, who will participate and at what time, as well as resources, success
criteria and achieved dates.
Ensure that during the first couple of years your efforts are supported by
reading promotion experts, who function as trainers at the beginning and
advisors or critical friends as the programme evolves.
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