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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views of
the partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
Please tick (√) the most appropriateoption.
1. Gender:
□ Boy
□ Girl
2. Grade:
3. What languages do you speak at
________________, ________________
4. I like reading … [please tick (√) everything that you like to read]
□ websites
□ magazines
□ newspapers
□ stories about robots and spaceships
□ poems
□ comic books
□ encyclopaedias
□ stories about the old times
□ adventure
□ stories about
□ stories about
everyday children
□ stories about princes and princesses
□ mysteries
□ “how to” books
□ biographies
□ (other)_________________________
5. I read a book silently in class:
□ never
□ 2-3 times a year
□ once a month
□ once a week
□ every day
6. At home, I read books for pleasure (not as part of my homework):
□ never
□ 2-3 times a year
□ once a month
□ once a week
□ every day
7. I check out books from a library:
□ never
□ 2-3 times a year
□ 1-2 times a
□ 1-2 times a week □ every day
8. During my pastsummer holidays, I read:
□ no books
□ 1-2 books
□ 3-4 books
□ 5-6 books
□ more than 6
9. I discuss with friends and family about something that I read during my free time:
□ never
□ 2-3 times a year
□ 1-2 times a
□ 1-2 times a week □ every day
10. Who reads stories to you at home? … [please tick (√) all the boxes that apply]
□ My father
□ My mother
□ Other adult
□ My brother/sister □ No-one
11. In class, I read stories by using … [please tick (√) all the boxes that apply]
□ a computer
□ a tablet (e.g.
□ a mobile phone
□ the internet
□ I do not use
12. At home, I read stories by using … [please tick (√) all the boxes that apply]
□ a computer
□ a tablet (e.g.
□ a mobile phone
□ the internet
□ I do not use
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