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Lifelong Readers Findings from all Participating Countries
Executive Summary:
The following report documents the
implementation and the findings of
Lifelong Readers case studies
conducted by European partners
during the school year 2012-2013.
Based on the Lifelong Readers
partners along with schools from
their countries collaborated to
develop and implement a whole-
programme. The general aim was to
improve children’s reading habits and attitudes, through the development of a reading
culture and the formation of reading communities.
The programme was initiated through school staff training, which introduced teachers to
the LiRe approach and effective reading promotion activities. The workshops also
focused on identify needs, setting objectives and designing a whole school reading
promotion plan. Staff training consisted of three training workshops with the aim of
fostering a respect for reading promotion and to familiarise teachers with the Lifelong
Readers Framework. The end product of the training workshops was a whole school
reading promotion plan to be implemented at school level.
A comparison between pre- and post- Reading Habits Evaluations, as well as data from
observations, interviews and a focus group discussion, point to overall improvement in
students’ reading habits and attitudes towards reading and books. Teachers also
completed Reading Promotion Evaluation questionnaires at the beginning and end of
the programme, evaluating their school’s reading promotion practices. On the whole
teachers recognized an improvement in the reading culture of the school, student’s
attitudes towards reading and in the promotion of whole school events.
Through qualitative research methods and collaboration between European partners a
comprehensive list of recommendations for both practitioners and policy-makers are
outlined in this report. These recommendations are practical in nature and designed to
aid schools in implementing the Lifelong Readers Framework.
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