- page 68-69

                 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views of the partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible 
                 for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 
Promotion Area
Not yet
At initial stage
At developed stage
At enhanced stage
Does not 
apply to our 
School promotes reading materials 
and booklists targeted at boys. 
Boys’ reading clubs are functioning. 
Reading events that apply to boys’ 
interests take place at least once 
every three months. 
School runs an effective reading 
promotion plan that involves boys 
and male role models, addressing 
their needs and interests.  
Events take place at least  
once a month. 
Pupils and
from diverse
cultures and
Does not 
apply to our 
A range of dual language texts or 
appropriate materials reflecting 
pupils’ diverse cultures and 
backgrounds is available for pupils to 
Previous box applies. In addition, 
school systems promoting reading 
for pleasure and reading groups are 
established to meet the needs of 
pupils from diverse cultures  
and backgrounds. 
Previous boxes apply. In addition, 
pupils and families from diverse 
cultures and backgrounds are 
involved in promoting reading to 
with families
Does not 
apply to our 
All parents/caregivers are made 
aware of the importance of 
encouraging their children to read. 
The school supports them through 
materials like suggested booklists 
and reading tips. 
Previous box applies. In addition, 
communication methods are 
adapted to suit target group of 
parents/caregivers. Some 
parents/caregivers themselves are 
used as advocates. 
Previous boxes apply. In addition, 
parents/caregivers are offered 
regular support sessions on choosing 
reading materials and reading with 
children. Regular feedback from 
parents/caregivers and children  
is used to inform planning. 
Family events
and activities
Does not 
apply to our 
Reading for pleasure is promoted 
during some school events and 
activities to which family members/ 
caregivers are invited. 
Family reading events/ activities are 
often run during the year and some 
parents/ caregivers are involved in 
the planning. 
Family reading events/activities take 
place at least once a month, 
including events for target groups – 
for example, dads, grandparents or 
families for whom English is an 
additional language.
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