This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views of the partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Promotion Area
Not yet
At initial stage
At developed stage
At enhanced stage
Does not
apply to our
Some peer‐to‐peer reading
recommendation takes place
between pupils.
A system for peer‐to‐peer reading
recommendation between pupils is
established in most classes.
Peer‐to‐peer reading
recommendation and interaction
between pupils take place in
multiple, creative, and effective
ways throughout the school
Does not
apply to our
Pupils and staff use ICT to deliver
book presentations and to perform
other similar tasks.
Pupils and staff use multimedia to
promote reading activity in the
school. They also read some digital
Peer‐to‐peer reading
recommendation and interaction
between pupils take place through
the use of a technology‐based
system throughout the school
community. Reading digital texts
and ICT‐based reading promotion
take place on a regular basis.
Reading events
Does not
apply to our
Reading is promoted during school
events and in school assemblies.
Several reading events are held each
year, linking in with national events
such as World Book Day.
Several reading promotion events
take place during every month of the
school year, including a school book
week/ reading focus week.
and display
Does not
apply to our
Library is welcoming and resources
are easily accessed.
Clear signs and interesting displays
encourage library use with
promotions related to the
curriculum. Library is open
throughout the school day.
All the previous boxes apply. In
addition, school or class library is
presented in bookshop style, and is
also open beyond the school day. A
school librarian is employed.