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Improved Reading Habits & Attitudes
“When we had them read for 10-15 minutes
every morning, they liked it so much that they
would take out their books and read even during
recess time; it was as if they were addicted to it”
“They would bring 3-4 books from home and
share and read with their friends during recess;
this was quite nice to watch and it showed that
kids liked it”
(Two teachers from Cyprus)
Policy Makers:
Organic policy making: it is recommended that policy makers should not
impose the lifelong readers programme in a directive manner to their
practitioners. It is recommended that leaders of schools should provide
teachers with the tools to research the need of reading promotion
programmes in their school. Once findings have been made the leaders can
endorse the lifelong readers programme as a possible solution. Responsibility
for drafting and implementing the action plan for reading promotion should be
given to teachers. It is important to empower practitioners at an early stage, if
they are to become active contributors to the programme.
Spreading Awareness: it is important to place emphasis on the dissemination
of awareness. It is recommended that digital media be used to articulate the
message to the wider school community.
Reading Promotion Team: it is recommended that a reading promotion team
be established to oversee the implementation of the lifelongreaders
programme. It is important that this group is not part of a larger School
Evaluation Team, as reading promotion must be a priority one team of
Teacher Training: it is recommended that policy-makers invest in teacher
training n the area of reading promotion. Many teachers identified this as a
need in their professional development. All efforts should be made to
encourage teachers to up skill in this area.
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