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Reading for Enjoyment
“Our book day was the zenith, as children
liked it very much, and I even heard
comments by variedly aged kids saying
that this was the best school day of the
year and that they were very impressed”
(First-grade teacher from Cyprus)
“Similar with the school library stock, which was enriched with many genres of books
and was upgraded at a developed stage. Moreover, after the implementation of the
reading plan, the tool showed an improvement in the organization of events related to
books and to peer-to-peer recommendation. The most important was the development
of visibility of reading culture at a developed stage (88%), as well as the development of
a strategy for the reading promotion.” (Greece)
Second Grade Teacher: “And they did it [FVR] during recess as well. They would bring 3-
4 books from home and share and read with their friends during recess; this was quite
nice to watch and it showed that kids liked it.” This observation is even more important
in its description of book-sharing as a social phenomenon; as part of a developing
reading community and culture.(Cyprus)
“Hopefully, we will have the continuation of the programme, and with the support of
the teachers, I am looking forward to the second, third or fourth programme like that”
Parental Involvement:
Some partners reported a positive increase in the involvement of parents in regards to
their child’s reading. It was also noticeable that parents were heavily involved in many of
the lifelong readers school activities.
“Parental involvement was a concern of teachers prior to implementing lifelong readers,
as they had negative experiences in the past. However in the implementation of lifelong
readers the contribution of parents was seen as very positive. A teacher remarking on
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