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Start Small: teaching professionals should familiarize themselves with the
lifelong readers framework and website. It is recommended to start small.
Begin by testing out one or two of the reading promotion activities in the
classroom. At this time it is important to keep notes of how the activities went,
what worked well and what could be improved.
Gathering Data: to understand what the needs of the pupils are in relation to
reading promotion it is important to gather relevant data. The lifelong readers
pupil reading habit evaluation is quite lengthy and difficult to administer.
Adapting and shortening the questionnaire is a sensible option. It is also
recommended that a fair sample of pupil be taken. There is no need to survey
all pupils, a fair selection is adequate to get an overall picture of the pupil’s
Awareness Spreading: it is important that awareness of reading promotion is
kept high on the agendas of the teaching staff. If there is to be sustainable
culture change relentless awareness dissemination is required. Posters
highlighting reading for pleasure, having it as an item on the staff meeting
agendas and talking to fellow professionals about it are all effective ways of
spreading awareness.
Parental Involvement: in our findings parental involvement was seen as a key
success. Practitioners are recommended to involvement parents in their
reading promotion activities.
Outside the School Community: the
use of the local library is a great way
of enhancing reading promotion
community events and initiatives to
promote reading. Practitioners are
recommended to investigate how
the library and school can work
together to promote reading among
young people.
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