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To engage children in reading through open and authentic activities.
To receive the message that reading is about enjoyment, reading is something
that you can do anytime and anywhere, and that reading can be deeply
personal and social at the same time.
Children to develop their storytelling and book-talking skills.
To develop reading communities and enhance the school’s reading culture.
Setting, materials and preparation
Tents, torches, copies of books from the library, various puppets to represent
characters in the books, props that may be used to act out the stories.
Step-by-Step Description
Set up 2-3 small tents on the school field or forest area.
Leave a selection of well known, age appropriate books, torches, puppets and
props in these tents.
Children to choose to enter a tent and explore the reading material.
Children can be encouraged to act out the stories using the various props or
Alternatively, a teacher or adult helper could share the book with the children
and then leave them to engage in role play or act out the story with the
various props and puppets.
Finally, discuss the stories with the children and re-tell as a whole class
Corbett, P. (2006). The
bumper book of storytelling into writing at key stage 1. Wiltshire
Clown Publishing.
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