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Results / Indicators of Success:
The following results demonstrate the improvement of reading skills:
Key Stage 2 SATs results English 2009 – 76% level 4+ 18% level 5
English 2011 – 83% level 4+ 38% level 5(reading 90% Level 4+ 58% level 5)
From pupil, parent and staff interviews, the following indicators were noted:
Increased use of and access to school library
Enthusiasm for reading across the school
Pupils choosing a wider range of reading materials
Pupils’ ability to discuss books and authors improved
An increased willingness to read for pleasure
Pupils’ perceptions of themselves as confident readers
Pupils accessing a wider variety of reading material
Typical quotes from pupils included:
“Instead of switching on the TV…I get a
book. Sometimes TV is a bit boring but
with a book…it drags you in and
catches your attention.”
“I’ve never read a long book on my
own before but since we had the
library I have…Horrid Henry. I love
those books.”
“Each book becomes easier every time
I read a new one…I know which ones I
will be able to read on my own.”
“I read every night to my mom and I
also read to myself when I wake up
early…I love choosing new books from the library.”
“I like books because sometimes with the films, they miss the best bits out.”
“I read Goodnight Mr. Tom and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas because we were doing a
topic on World War II.”
“The library is looked after and there is a system. We know which books we could read
because they are all in sections.”
“I’m a good reader – I was on green and I’ve moved up to orange – it means I’m getting
“I have read 6 chapter books and I am on to a really long one now. It’s got about 100
“I like it because there are very good books to choose – lots of funny books.”
“I like going to the library because it is fun, there are so many different books. You get
to read them with your mom or sister or brother.”
“You can get loads and loads of books.”
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