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To combat the “Summer Slide” effect of students reading attainment.
To create cohesion between schools and educational services.
To provide exciting and up to date reading material for young people.
Scheme of Reading Promotion Actions & Activities:
Students reading attainment assessed by Librarian using the GRT (General
Reading Test)
Students given a book bag and selection of appropriate reading material
provided by school library.
Students select between 6-8 books to read during the summer months.
School Library is opened on specific dates and Librarian available to aid
students in their progress.
After the summer, students present their project work, if they have chosen to complete
it, and return books.
Results / Indicators of Success:
The Summer Reading Programme was seen as a great success, with one Librarian
“I think it’s one of the best initiatives I have done and I am incredibly proud
of the work the students have put into their reading over the summer”
One librarian reported that the mother of one of her Lithuanian students called to the
school library over the summer months to borrow additional books for her son – who
was spending the summer in Lithuania. He had asked his mother to post the books out
to him.
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